Myths About Moving

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Reducing Your Storage Stress

After visiting my storage unit recently to gather a few holiday decoration supplies, I realized that my unit was a mess. Finding the lights and the false tree was really difficult, and I knew that I had to do something to eliminate my storage stress. Instead of overlooking the issue, I spent a few weeknights organizing my space. I labeled boxes, threw away stuff that I didn't need, and re-stacked a few plastic totes. It really made a difference. My blog is all about reducing your storage stress so that you can focus on other things. You never know, this blog might free up a few of your weekends.

Myths About Moving

21 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Moving is difficult, but there are a lot of myths out there about moving that can make it even harder and more confusing than it has to be. By learning about some of the myths out there about moving and learning the truth can make things easier on you. Here are some of the myths about moving that you may hear and what's really true. 

Myth: All boxes are the same

Many people believe that all boxes are the same. This can lead to bad incidences during moves and can also make packing more difficult in general. This myth has caused a lot of people to gather boxes from places like the backs of grocery stores, thinking that they can expect the same from those boxes as they would from professional moving boxes. Then, they are surprised when the boxes end up easily giving out on them, causing their items to spill all over. The boxes can even easily squish when other boxes are put on top of them. You can purchase moving boxes. Or, if you hire movers, then they will show up with professional moving boxes, so they can move all your things in boxes that will hold up. 

Myth: It's good to have boxes of many different sizes

A lot of people believe the myth that it's a good idea to have a lot of boxes of many different shapes. They think that this way, they can pack things in appropriate-sized boxes and fit different sized boxes together, kind of like a puzzle. The truth is that the more boxes you can use of the same size, the easier it will be for you to pack. This is why movers will show up with boxes that consist of ones that are mostly the same size. Boxes of the same size will easily stack on top of one another, and this is the best way to fit the most stuff in the smallest space. 

Myth: Expect to have many things broken during a move

Many people believe the myth that it's normal to expect to have a lot of things broken during a move. The myth is that, no matter what you do to protect your things, you will always have many things broken when it comes time to unpack. However, this is not true. In fact, if your things are all packed with care, packed with the proper packing supplies, and moved in the proper manner, then it is possible to unpack your items and find that nothing has been broken. Professional movers have access to all the packing materials they need to properly protect all kinds of items. They also have the knowledge to pack things correctly, and they will be your best bet at moving your household without having things broken during the move.

To learn more, contact a resource like Helping Hands Movers Inc.