Moving Your Law Practice To A New Location

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Reducing Your Storage Stress

After visiting my storage unit recently to gather a few holiday decoration supplies, I realized that my unit was a mess. Finding the lights and the false tree was really difficult, and I knew that I had to do something to eliminate my storage stress. Instead of overlooking the issue, I spent a few weeknights organizing my space. I labeled boxes, threw away stuff that I didn't need, and re-stacked a few plastic totes. It really made a difference. My blog is all about reducing your storage stress so that you can focus on other things. You never know, this blog might free up a few of your weekends.

Moving Your Law Practice To A New Location

28 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When you've got a thriving law practice, you may be excited to move into a great new office across town. However, moving your documents, employees and machines to a new place can be stressful. Using the moving suggestions below, you might be able to get your practice to a new location without a lot of trouble.

Use Plastic Bins for Old Case Files

Depending on your state, case files and all documents in them need to be retained for a certain period of years. If, like many lawyers, you have not yet scanned all your documents so they can be stored digitally, you're going to need to pack up hundreds of case files to move with you to your new location. It's not enough to move those files to your new office; you have to be sure that you do so in a way that will keep them protected and safe. Heavy duty plastic storage bins can be a smart choice for those files.

Heavy duty bins work well for this purpose for a number of reasons. For one thing, because they are plastic you don't have to worry that rain during the move or spills in the new location will have any effect on the documents inside them. If there is a ceiling leak or minor flooding in your new office, your case files will be one issue you just don't have to concern yourself with. In addition, heavy duty plastic containers won't be crushed if you're stacking them very high to preserve space.

Get a Plastic Bin for Each Employee

Not only is it smart to use plastic bins for old case files, but it's also useful for your employees. Every employee has their own office supplies and personal effects that they keep around the law office. Giving each of them a plastic container will enable them to pack more efficiently. Whether you transport employee bins to the new office or they take them over themselves, the bins can be a simple way to ensure everyone can get to their things easily.

Take Some Time for Clutter

Days or weeks before you start moving, give yourself and your employees some time to get rid of obsolete equipment, papers and other things no one will need. That way, you won't have to transport unnecessary items to the new place and start cluttering up things there. Avoid waiting until packing time to cope with clutter, as that might just add to the stress of moving.

With these pointers, taking your law office to a new location isn't going to be so tough. Work with your moving company and employees to get the move done quickly and easily.